Climate Gathering online experience now available
Since 2015, Livable Futures artistic director and co-founder Norah Zuniga Shaw has been creating performance experiences as climate justice activism. As she shared in a recent interview, “it is not about instrumentalizing dance to talk ABOUT climate change, although that is really important as well, but in our work, we are using the intrinsic practices of dance improvisation and sonic arts to do climate activism directly, like a 21st century techno-poetic teach-in.”
Cultivating Resilience Through Communal Movement
Artist Ben Cuevas encourages students to fill the campus with “soft” activism in yarn-bombing workshop
There is always a starting point. For multimedia artist, Ben Cuevas, it started with a knot. A knot in yarn, from there Cuevas took yarn and intertwined and intersected and turned it into intricate sculptural fabrications of skeletons, organs, and pharmacology. When he visited Ohio State recently, to teach a workshop on yarn bombing, Cuevas started his class with this simple instruction–start with a knot, a slip knot and then a loop.