Unbecoming Carbon

Unbecoming Carbon

Un-becoming Carbon: Traveling in Intercellular Space is an interactive installation exploring the importance of carbon sequestration by plants and invites audiences into an immersive world through physical, audio and virtual experiences moving through macroverses and the microverses alive with possibility and the wisdom of plants.

The Emerging Future of Design

The Emerging Future of Design

In the evolution from making to thinking, Scott Denison collaborates with students from OSU’s Industrial Design & Visual Communications fields to create a piece of ‘design fiction’ — focusing on the livability and sustainability of human emotions.

Ecological Consciousness Raising Through Art

Ecological Consciousness Raising Through Art

Livable Futures student fellow Calista Lyon presented her new work The Unknown and the Unnamed in March at the Urban Arts Space in Columbus, OH. A collaborative hybrid performance drawing from a range of forms including the educational lecture, essay, memoir and family slide-show evenings, the piece shares the natureculture narratives of Australian native orchids and their ecological, scientific and political entanglements. The narrative is woven around place, specifically Lyon’s childhood home in Australia.