Since 2015, Livable Futures artistic director and co-founder Norah Zuniga Shaw has been creating performance experiences as climate justice activism. As she shared in a recent interview, “it is not about instrumentalizing dance to talk ABOUT climate change, although that is really important as well, but in our work, we are using the intrinsic practices of dance improvisation and sonic arts to do climate activism directly, like a 21st century techno-poetic teach-in.” Working through a series of performance workshops with audiences over several years in Columbus, Ohio, New York and Melbourne, Australia, Zuniga Shaw and her collaborators developed the transmedia performance ritual Climate Gathering and have continued to offer it as a live experience for small groups of people. During the pandemic, even these small groups were not safe and they remain limited in terms of access. To address this, Zuniga Shaw has developed an online “Redux” version of the experience that audiences can engage with on their own time at home or in groups or wisdom circles convened to be present with the climate crisis, to turn toward the injustices present as we seek to adapt, and to feel into intention and right action. While still in BETA form, the Climate Gathering (redux) is free and available online to experience for yourself. Let us know how it goes!
Climate Gathering (redux)
A 20 minute online experience to support resilience and climate justice