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Climate Gathering: Transmedia Performance Rituals for Livable Futures

Livable Futures’ artistic director and co-founder, Norah Zuniga Shaw will be presenting at the European Forum for the Study of Religion and the Environment in Potsdam, Germany.

In this short performative lecture and photo essay, Norah will facilitate a ritual Climate Gathering. Drawing on resources from the Livable Futures project and our transmedia performance rituals Climate Gathering (2019) and Climate Banshee (2022), this talk offers an evocative opportunity to arrive into the moment, turn toward and soften into the magnitude of the issues at hand, and locate our own capacities, resources, and intentions, both individually and as a collective.


A social practice artwork, Livable Futures cultivates creative responses to unpredictability and crisis on a planet in need. Livability instead of sustainability emphasizes social justice and an ecological ethics recentering who survives and who gets to thrive in our communities—human, biological, and artificial. Resisting dominant narratives of apocalypse, the projects of Livable Futures foster intention and support participants finding ways into action and intention. The tactics we offer come directly from the intrinsic practices of artists and make the leap of assuming that art matters and that creativity is a serious and meaningful response to crisis. 

When: 2pm Saturday May 18, 2024